Welcome to ”Adult ECMO for respiratory and circulatory failure including septic shock”, Stockholm, October 14th – 17th 2024. 

This ELSO course is intended for physicians (intensivists, surgeons etc), nurses, perfusionists and other health care professionals, who either work in an ECMO program or who are in the process of starting one.

The course will be conducted by the faculty of the ECMO Center at Karolinska. It will include simulations of ECMO patients, practical training in managing the ECMO circuit with change of different components etc, computer simulations of physiology and didactic lectures. Simulations and practical training will be performed in small groups of 6 participants together with one or two instructors.
The lectures will cover subjects like components of the ECMO circuit, indications for ECMO, contraindications, managing the patient on ECMO, cannulation strategy, physiology, anticoagulation, troubleshooting etc.

The number of participants is maximized to 24. Besides of the course the registration fee (24 000 SEK incl. VAT) will cover lunches, coffee and one dinner on the 15th of October.

After having completed the course, the participants will have increased both their theoretical knowledge and their practical skills in managing adult patients on ECMO for respiratory and circulatory failure including septic shock.

The participants will have satisfied Step 1 and Step 2 of the certification application requirements for the ELSO Adult ECMO Practitioner Certificate (E-AEC) after completion of the course.

The Adult ECMO for respiratory and circulatory failure including septic shock, Stockholm, Sweden 14/10/2024 - 17/10/2024,
has been accredited by the European Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (EACCME®) with 27.0 European
CME credits (ECMEC®s). Each medical specialist should claim only those hours of credit that he/she actually spent in the
educational activity.

The course is in English.

Further information: bjorn.frenckner@regionstockholm.se or marcus.brynolf@regionstockholm.se

Organizing committee: 
Björn Frenckner, MD, PhD, Marcus Brynolf, MD and Mikael Broman, MD, PhD

Conflict of interest statements

Stockholm picture from www.fotoakuten.se