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The Bridge Talk #10 with Cintia Bertacchi Uvo
Climate variability vs. Climate Change: Do you know what is what?

The global average temperature has broken several records in the latest years and climate has been getting warmer year after year. Should we expect this tendency to continue also on the next years?

Cintia Bertacchi Uvo is a professor at Lund University who has researched for many years about how the climate varies annually and how climate change has added to this variability. She will talk about the different ongoing climatic processes and how they can affect the local and global temperature and precipitation. If the climate is getting warmer, how does the path to a warmer climate looks like? What may define that?

What: The Bridge Talk #10 with Cintia Bertacchi Uvo
When: March 7th at 8.30 - 09.30 
Where: Medicon Village, Scheelevägen 2, Lund 

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