General info

NanoSIMS workshop 2023

Online participation registration fee

Registration for full conference and drug discovery workshop October 16-18th 2023.
In person meeting to discuss the latest accomplishments in all fields of science leveraging the unique capabilities of NanoSIMS. This an­nual work­shop serves as a plat­form for ex­chan­ging res­ults, ex­pert­ise, and tech­no­lo­gical de­vel­op­ments re­gard­ing nanoSIMS 50/50L. We in­vite stu­dents, re­search­ers and nanoSIMS op­er­at­ors from sci­ence and in­dustry to come and share their know­ledge in their re­spect­ive fields of re­search.

Practical information

Digital platform: Zoom
Date: October 16th-18th, 2023
Price: 1000 SEK excl. VAT

The registration fee includes:
Digital attendance to conference and workshop October 16th-18th, 2023.

You can find more information about the conference here>>>

If you have any queries about the registration, please do not hesitate to contact the conference administrator Meetx at


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Please let us know if you want to give a talk.

I would like to give a talk