General info

Welcome to SPPS in Copenhagen!

The basic information below will be used for payment processing, making badges etc.

 Abstract template  to be saved as PDF and uploaded in the abstract submission below.

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Please indicate fee and select the activities you would like to participate in below.

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Boat tour | August 28 | 16:00

Conference dinner | August 29 | 18:00


I wish to buy a conference t-shirt




Select the hotel of your choice and indicate the dates of your stay.

Rates are per room, per night excluding taxes. Breakfast is included. Pre-booked rooms cannot be booked directly with the hotel. If you reserve a double room, you must provide the name of the person you will be sharing the room with.

For travelling on a budget, for example with an SPPS travel grant, please book CabInn Copenhagen (from 719 DKK for a single room with breakfast per night), where SPPS reserved 50 rooms. Use the booking code [ BLKSCANDI ]. This code is open until 27th of July 2024. Unfortunately, it is not possible to book this cheaper option in this registration form

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