General info

Neonatal and paediatric POCUS course in Gothenburg May 29-31, 2024.

Please note that you can attend all 3 days for the theoretical teachings in the mornings but that you can only attend two of the practical hands-on afternoon sessions! You will have to decide if you want to attend the basic or advanced echo hands-on sessions together with the LUS workshop. Please see program.

Please register here as a participant outside EU. The registration will take approximately 4 minutes to complete.

This registration is valid for you living outside the European Union.

If you have any meal restritcions (e g vegetarian, halal, kosher, allergies, please specify below)

Person 2

Person 3

Person 4

Person 5


Note that only after final payment you are guaranteed participation. The priceFirst come, first served for hands-on session where only 40 spots are available. Refund and cancellation rules are on our homepage VAT withing Nordic countries and EU can get refunded by the countries tax department

Participant fee, regular: